Rainbow Room

This is the Creche.

Our Creche has the capacity to cater for 10 babies each with a dedicated CCTV for continuous monitoring.

Our luxurious nursing room is also available to mothers who want to continue breastfeeding their babies (or expressing milk).

It’s good to note that breastfeeding is a chance to nourish and bond, and the good news is that just because you start your baby at child care, you don’t necessarily need to stop the milk supply. If you work nearby or have flexible working hours, there is the option of dropping in to feed your child.

We work with parents to provide:

  • A smooth transition into the programme
  • A great deal of attention, love and care
  • Individualised activities and consistent schedules for eating, sleeping and playtimes
  • A safe nurturing environment where infants can learn, explore and grow
  • `Daily Diaries’ that provide you with information about your baby’s activities and development milestones