Teachers’ Training Workshop

Starting today…For schools in Asaba, Delta State… If we, teachers, are to remain essential in our learners’ lives, we have to expand our comfort zone and challenge our own practice – it can be really fun to do so! We really have to make the effort to walk our talk and show learners that itContinue reading “Teachers’ Training Workshop”

Colour Week

The motive of celebrating colour days is to make the children aware of the different colours and to develop the fine motor skills via craft activities and colour plays. Early identification of colours helps to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words which is an important part of a child’s holistic development. HaveContinue reading “Colour Week”

Colour Week

Colour WeekDo you know colours are the smile.of nature? Can you imagine the world without colours?Do you also know that early identification of colours helps to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words which is an important part of a child’s holistic development?Colour week was an amazing learning experience which had a longContinue reading “Colour Week”

Small Classes Sizes at Hadassah Hall

Why do we have small class sizes at Hadassah Hall? Simple! Smaller class size encourages intentional teaching that is child-centered. At Hadassah Hall, we know through research that children learn best when they receive the proper attention they need to succeed. As I’m sure you can imagine, a struggling child can excel if given theContinue reading “Small Classes Sizes at Hadassah Hall”

Why Choose Hadassah Hall Montessori Education?

What do Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Julia Child, Thomas Edison, Princes William and Harry, and Anne Frank have in common? They were all educated in a Montessori-based school. With so many options to choose from in Asaba, Delta State, why choose Hadassah Hall Montessori School for your child? Beyond anyContinue reading “Why Choose Hadassah Hall Montessori Education?”